
Friday, December 14, 2012

Menorah Choco-Lollys

              Every year, I make these adorable Menorah Choco-Lollys to give out (besides the fact that I’m a “chocoholic”). They are really easy to make and I've gotten so much positive feedback from them. One year, I made these for the rest of my co-teachers in school. Since I taught a special-Ed class in a regular school, all the teachers and school secretaries were very sensitive towards us and made sure to include us for their classroom activities or give a hand in whatever they could. To show great appreciation, I made dozens of Menorah Choco-Lollys to hand out. During recess, my students walk around the hallways holding the basket of chocolates and handed them out to the teachers and secretaries.
             So many teachers came over the following recess to thank us for the chocolates. They felt it was a special touch since the Menorah Choco-Lollys were specially made for them. They already had gotten tons of the typical chocolate coins in all sizes, silver and Gold, Parve and Dairy.

Now it’s your turn to make them. Just gather all the materials needed and get started!

Chocolate Chips
Lollypop Stick
Chocolate Wrapping paper
Small clear plastic bags

Torah Toy carries the Chanukah Chocolate Mold that comes not only with the Menorah's, but can make chocolate Dreidels, Menorahs, Candles, the Star of David, Chocolate Coins, and a "Happy Chanukah" All out of chocolate in one mold!!

Roll up your sleeves, and lets get to work!

              Place water in a pot to boil. Then, place a smaller pot over it with the chocolate chips. Once the water boils, the chocolate will start to melt. Use a spoon to fill up the chocolate molds and place the lollypop sticks. Place the chocolate sheet in the freezer and wait a few minutes. After removing the chocolates from the freezer, take the chocolate wrapping paper and wrap the chocolates tightly. Place a bag over it and tight the ribbon around it.  Stick a label in the back with your own message… And, Walllaaaa! They are ready to eat! Just make sure I’m not around.

Happy Chanukah to All!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chanukah Sensory Bag

I’m crazy about sensory bags. They are really easy to make and children can spend long time playing with it. It usually keeps my daughter busy exploring the items in the bag and gives me some extra time to get supper ready. What I also like about the Sensory Bags, is that you can place anything (I really mean it, ANYTHING!) in them and still make them exciting to play. I usually grab the bag, take a quick tour around the house and place in it whatever I find… For Chanukah Sensory bag, I placed some pennies, dreidels, Chanukah Foam cut-outs, candles…

Here is what you need to make the Chanukah Sensory Bags:

Ziploc bag
Hair Gel
Several Chanukah items to place in the bag

Place Hair gel in the bag. Close the bag and spread the gel. Open the bag again, and place the Chanukah items in the bag. Mix well the items and then tape the top. We want to make sure it’s well sealed before playing with it.
Have your little one engaged and exploring the Chanukah Sensory bag!

Happy Chanukah!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dreidel Sorting

During Chanukah season, we got the dreidels all over the house…. Under the couch, on the counter, on the stairs, in the porch… and some where they should be -the toy closet. I promised my daughter if she would help me “find” (clean-up) all the dreidels we would do an activity together. I gave her the little basket and asked her to place them there. Well, sure enough, she gathered all the dreidels within minutes. Now, it was my turn to come up with the activity.

Way back, we received from one of our shabbos  guest a clear candy dish with several compartments. It’s been sitting on top of my fridge quite a while and figured I’d put it now in good use. I placed it on the floor 
near the dreidels and showed her how to sort the draidels.

For this activity you will need:

A dish with several comportments

If you can’t get access to a dish with several compartments, you can always use several cups. Assign a color for each cup and have your child place the dreidels there.This activity is wonderful because it refines so many skills such as categorization, color recognition and fine motor skills. 

Have a Happy Chanukah!